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§Serializable Log Record

This crate provides a SerializableLogRecord struct which is a custom representation of the log::Record struct from the log crate. The log::Record struct is not directly serializable due to the use of fmt::Arguments. The SerializableLogRecord struct solves this problem by providing a serializable version of log::Record.


Convert a log::Record to a SerializableLogRecord using the ::from method:

use serializable_log_record::SerializableLogRecord;

//let record: log::Record = ...;
let serializable_record = SerializableLogRecord::from(&record);

Serde’s Serialize and Deserialize traits are implemented for SerializableLogRecord if the serde feature is enabled. The feature bincode2 is also available which implements bincode::Encode and bincode::Decode from bincode version 2 for SerializableLogRecord.

To convert a SerializableLogRecord back into a log::Record use the into_log_record macro. The result of this macro has to be passed directly into a call to the log method of any log::Log implementation. It cannot be stored in an intermediate variable or alike due to the extremely restrictive lifetime of the args field of log::Record.

let mut builder = log::Record::builder();
any_logger.log(&serializable_log_record::into_log_record!(builder, serializable_record));


  • This macro converts a SerializableLogRecord into a log::Record which is to be passed immediately into a call to the log method of any log::Log implementation.


  • A custom representation of the log::Record struct which is unfortunately not directly serializable (due to the use of fmt::Arguments).